Being in Serang City Center, Elementary School is Precisely Damaged
30 November -0001
Serang - From the outside, SDN Sukabela in Kasemen, Serang City looks normal. But, once inside the room, the bulkhead between the 2nd and 3rd grade was a hole. The school had to close it with a used blackboard.
In addition, the windows in this school are also mostly eaten termites. Toilets that should be used for students are also in poor condition. The flow of water in the toilet also does not flow, if you want to defecate, students sometimes forced to go to the garden or go home.
Provision of School Supplies
01 July 2013Stationary Provision Ceremony
CSR EJIP 2017 for student
01 November 2017CSR EJIP 2017 delivered Stationary Set to pupil Elementary School at Sukaresmi Village
[CSR-Education] Dian Harapan Kindergarten Students Learn Fire Safety
11 April 2019PT. East Jakarta Industrial Park provides education regarding the profession of firefighting to kindergarten students in the context of Corporate Social Responsibility activities.
CSR EJIP: The Students of Midori Elementary School Excited to Learn About Waste Management in EJIP
16 October 2019PT. EJIP welcomed the lovely visiters from Midori Elementary School on Wednesday, 16/10/2019.
29 October 2019EJIP organizes the socialization about the dangers of smoking and drugs again as a CSR activity in education and health at EJIP Center on Tuesday (29/10/2019).
CSR Education : Introducing the Fire Fighting Professional to Kindergarten Student
11 February 2020PT. EJIP received two KINDERGARTEN schools to study Fire brigade profession on this month. The two schools are TK Al-Madani Lemahabang and TKIT Al Ansori.
CSR Activity Report: Visit to EJIP Fire Department by TK Ansori Perum Mega Regency Students
30 May 2023CSR Activity Report: Visit to EJIP Fire Department by TK Ansori Perum Mega Regency Students
Selection of Junior High School Students as Anti-Drug Ambassadors in Bekasi
15 June 2023Selection of Junior High School Students as Anti-Drug Ambassadors in Bekasi
Anti-Bullying Seminar SMAN 1 Cikarang Selatan
01 November 2023Anti-Bullying Seminar held by SMAN 1 Cikarang Selatan in EJIP
Selection of Anti-Drug Ambassadors at elementary and middle school levels in Bekasi Regency
08 July 2024Selection of Anti-Drug Ambassadors at elementary and middle school levels in Bekasi Regency
Increase Environmental Awareness: SMAK Bogor Students Hold Educational Visit to EJIP WATEC
31 July 2024Educational visit of SMAK Bogor to WATEC, EJIP
Mutual Bonding Experience
04 October 2024Mutual Bonding Experience
Read to Lead: EJIP Donates Books to SMPN 1 Cikarang Selatan
29 October 2024Read to Lead: EJIP Donates Books to SMPN 1 Cikarang Selatan
Bekasi Adiwiyata School Workshop
13 December 2024Bekasi Adiwiyata School Workshop