Stasiun Pengisian Kendaraan Listrik Umum (SPKLU)
Located near EJIP Center and EJIP Office, Cikarang Listrindo Public Electric Vehicle Charging Station is equipped with thorough operation procedures, providing a smooth charging experience for electric vehicle users.
To use the charging station, user needs to download "Starvo", an application that helps to monitor charging details such as pricing and estimated charging time. It also helps user to find the nearest location of other EV charging station.
Infrastruktur Lainnya
Suplai Air Industri (IWTP)
Pasokan air industri 24/7 dengan kapasitas 18.000 ton per hari
Persediaan listrik oleh PT Cikarang Listrindo Tbk. untuk tenant EJIP
Gas Alam dan Gas Industri
Jaringan persediaan gas alam bagi tenant disuplai oleh PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (Persero)
E-Lab (Laboratorium EJIP)
Laboratorium EJIP merupakan Laboratorium Lingkungan Hidup yang telah teregistrasi
Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah (IPAL)
IPAL dengan kapasitas 14.000 ton per hari
Fasilitas jaringan kabel telepon, microwave radio link, dan fiber optik
Tim Darurat Lingkungan (TDL)
Menjaga keamanan dan fungsi lingkungan
Pilar Hidran
Fasilitas penanganan kebakaran
Jalan Internal